Eight Ways to Not Get Fat Over the Holidays

November and December means one thing; the holidays! Ah yes, crackling fires, gathering with friends, turkey on the table, homemade cookies and…pants that no longer fit. With this article being published the week of Thanksgiving, we need to talk about the one thing that’s in the back of everyone’s mind this time of year; packingContinue reading “Eight Ways to Not Get Fat Over the Holidays”

Peanut Butter Banana Baked Oatmeal

I absolutely LOVE anything peanut butter. It’s not uncommon for me to eat it straight from the jar. So any chance I get to put peanut butter in something, I usually take it. The problem with peanut butter is that the calories can add up quick. Using powdered peanut butter here makes calorie control easierContinue reading “Peanut Butter Banana Baked Oatmeal”

How Body Image Can Trick You

Story Time… The other day I walked into the supplement shop to buy some meal prep and other stuff I needed. In an effort to be friendly and personable, I struck up conversation with the guy behind the register – a tall guy of pretty average build in his late 20’s. We started chatting aboutContinue reading “How Body Image Can Trick You”

How to Get Back on Track After Binging

Story Time! You’ve been eating well, hitting your macros and losing weight for quite a few weeks. Things, by all accounts, are going well. Then there’s a day you decide to treat yourself or it was stressful day at the office. One little cheat meal won’t hurt anything, right? A few drinks and a handfulContinue reading “How to Get Back on Track After Binging”

Are You Setting the Right Goals?

What’s your goal? Is the question asked before you start any diet or exercise programming. The question should be; do you truly understand what your goal is. Sure, you can likely identify what you want but that isn’t a true goal. Nutrition and exercise are the means through which you get to your goals. But,Continue reading “Are You Setting the Right Goals?”

Added Sugar: The Bittersweet Truth

Sugar has earned a very…confusing reputation when it comes to your health. There are camps that say you should avoid it at all costs. Then there are others who say it’s not a problem so long as your calories are under control. And while there are arguments that can be made for both sides, asContinue reading “Added Sugar: The Bittersweet Truth”

Take These Supplements

“What supplements should I be taking?” …is the question I hear the most. So many people are looking for the next “thing” that promises great results. Fat burners for weight loss, pre-workouts for performance or detox supplements for health – it seems the public at large is always looking the next magic pill. Every corporateContinue reading “Take These Supplements”

3 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight – That Aren’t Food

Weight loss is a very complex thing. There are almost endless factors to consider when looking at weight loss as a whole. Unfortunately, most of the time when the diet stops working we look at the food as the cause and nothing else. But sometimes, a lack of results could be something completely different thanContinue reading “3 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight – That Aren’t Food”

How to Avoid Weight Gain on Vacation

Vacations are a much anticipated event for many people once the weather starts to warm up. Working your ass off in the gym and watching what you eat so you can confidently walk the beach is great but too often the wheels fall off on vacation. If you’re looking to keep the gains you workedContinue reading “How to Avoid Weight Gain on Vacation”

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